
Segregated Fund

Investment tool that guarantees at least 75% of your investment within a specific period.

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Schedule to withdraw income from your savings and investments.

Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)

Savings for your children’s education plan. The government tops it up to 20% of your contribution up to a ceiling.

Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)

Investment plan that helps you save money on taxes. This savings reduces your income, profits are not taxed until withdrawal, and it helps you boost your retirement income or your beneficiaries.

Registered Retirement Investment Fund (RRIF)

Your converted registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) between ages 65 and 71.

Life Income Fund

Retirement savings to supplement your pension plan. This has no withdrawal ceiling.

Life Retirement Income Fund

A  Life Retirement Income Fund is a type of registered retirement income fund that can be used to hold locked in pension funds.

Non – Registered Income Fund

Investment that is not registered with the government. This has no tax supplement. Profit and losses are taxable yearly.